This is a very helpful, website/program for kid or even adults who want to know how to type. It's really easy and FUN! I do recommend this website.
kristine aklyan
Millikan Middle School
Millikan Middle School
This website has helped me to type faster and has helped me to not have to look at the keyboard the whole the whole time that I am typing.
Kaytlyn Rose Student
Wiley Middle School
Wiley Middle School
I am so glad my technology teacher let's us on Alfa Typing. I have become a way better typer and can finally type instead of pecking over the keyboard. I am also happy that I can now type at 32 words per minute so that I can reply to my messages on Facebook faster Thanks Mrs. Greene your the best Tech teacher in the U.S
William wong
William wong
Wong Kar Juinn
Alfa typing helped me with typing a lot! I used to type with only two fingers, but now i use the home row keys and i understand how to type now. :D thanks alfa typing!
Millikan Middle School
Millikan Middle School
This website is good, it helps improve your typing really fast. its very easy
I could type less than 10 words per minute but when I started this program I saw a rapid change now I can type a top of 45 Words Per Minute.
Thank You Alfa Typing
Thank You Alfa Typing
Sean Fjerstad Student
Cyber Village Academy
Cyber Village Academy
One day I moved to the STEM school from Esther Dennis. we always typed but never learned how to. Then I came to stem and got introduced to Alfatyping. Now I type like A pro. Thank you Alfatyping!
Dylan Morter Student
Dayton Regional STEM school
Dayton Regional STEM school
I like alfa typing because I no longer have to look at my keyboard to type I can just look at the screen and find the correct keys. But the only thing that would help is if you made the typing more interesting. Like at the beginning when you type like not even words I find it harder than with words. I love alfatyping and now I can get up to 61 wpm with it. :)
Kelsey Decker Student
I used to be pecking around the keyboard and asking my grandma why the keyboard isn't in alphabetical order but alfatyping really helped me and now I'm the fastest typer in the class!!!!!!!
Thank You alfatyping!
Thank You alfatyping!
student 14 Student
Annalee at MCCS
Annalee at MCCS
this website has helped improve my typing, but i do not find it so fun. It should be something different. It should not do the exact same thing every time. It needs to change it up. I am still happy that my typing has improved. I would rather learn to type than have fun.
Olivia Henderson Student